Friday, April 1, 2011


Me. Running on five hours of sleep. Plus April Fool's Day.

What a great combination.

As soon as I woke up, I knew this was going to be...interesting. After such a draining, emotional week, the day was either gonna end with me ranting and slapping people, or skipping around singing ridiculously. I went for the latter.

School started with a seating change in my biology class - those always have the potential to end badly. Fortunately, I ended up at a table with my best friend Mister D. Who then, unfortunately, went on to develop the thesis that I am actually a guy. Which is awkward on so many levels....

Apparently, I am not girly enough. So he renamed me Alan. Which I will not answer to. Under any circumstances. At all. Ever.

I got back at him by delivering the trick cupcake my mama had made. It appears to be chocolate cake, but is actually meatloaf with dyed mashed potato frosting. They are actually surprisingly delicious. They don't compare to an actual cupcake, but still, a nice meal.

In band we basically had a party, since we had a concert yesterday. Which pretty much equals a bunch of band geeks listening to music, eating cookies and peanut butter and chocolate sandwiches, pulling pranks, and me dancing. My friend Mister R was having issues with band-aids and an injured elbow (his parents are doctors, for crying out loud! You would think he could put on a decent band-aid...), so me and my friendsister Miss E took charge and had fun with the first aid kit. I decorated his bandage. Patriotic stars and smiley faces. I even signed it. Very manly.

My history teacher then decided to pull a prank as well, he dropped the bombshell of a huge essay to be done next week as homework. Ha. Ha. Yeah...not gonna happen.

School continued as usual. I got angry/frustrated at my English teacher. My math teacher got people to unwittingly admit (falsely) who they had "kissed". Mister T and Miss T had another M&M fight in Spanish class. Typical day.

I get home, only to open my bedroom door and find all my books gone. All of them, from off of all my shelves. Which is not a small number. I kid you not, it took me less than two seconds to realize it. My mom finds that hilarious. Like anyone needs more proof of my nerdyness...

I opened the door -
Me: "Mom! Where are they?!"
Mom: "What?" (she is in the kitchen)
Me: "You know exactly what I'm talking about! Who was it!? Dad or the kids?"
Mom: "You can thank your dear, sweet brother."

You mean the dear, sweet brother for whom I was helping orchestrate a surprise birthday party that night? Yeah, that brother. He had stolen all of my books for April Fool's Day. How kind.

Well, his surprise party went great, but then I had about 10 fourteen year old boys running around my house. Needless to say, I hid in my room, reading and reorganizing all my books that had finally been returned to me. And then blogging about it all.

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