Thursday, November 10, 2011

Meet Milo

This is my fuzzy stuffed turtle, Milo. I hug him when I miss my friends or am sad. He is my friend when I don't have any here to help me. We snuggle. It's nice.
My best friend gave him to me before I left. I love them both very much.

Aren't they so silly? :)

Anybody else have a sentimental attachment to a stuffed animal?


  1. Stumbled upon your blog..... hope you enjoy Hawaii and Waimea. It is beautiful there and my hubby would love to retire there... I know this is so random but I know moving can be hard. I hear Parker Ranch is amazing. My best friend is the owner of Gunstock Ranch on Oahu.... much much smaller than parker Ranch but it is where the temple is in Laie. Anyway hope all goes well for you and your fam.

  2. Megy, I just want you to know that even if I don't always post a comment, I am checking your blog every day. Keep me posted!
