Monday, March 28, 2011

Let's get this one out of the way...


We all hate it. It is annoying, stressful, and sometimes (being optimistic here) rather pointless.

Agreed? Good.

We also all procrastinate our homework at one point or another. Sad, but true. Don't believe me? I bet you can think of at least one time you put off homework until the last possible minute. Maybe the class before it was due...

(My friend Mister T does that. I have no idea how he gets away with it! He does quite a bit of his homework IN SCHOOL, yet he has good grades! That boy is a beast...)

Hmm, procrastination...I feel a Scripture Mastery coming on!

Alma 34:32-34 (Yeah. It's the long one.)
"...i beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end..."

In this case, I think of repentance as homework. =]

1 comment:

  1. hey sis, yea it's me. I agree compleatly, I HATE homework, WHO INVENTED IT!!!! it's pointless!!! :D
